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NBA most valuable player "Stephen curry"

Find what you're passionate about in this life. Everybody's given a certain skillset, a certain talent, a certain passion. To hold on to that and work as hard as you can to being the best that you can at what you feel like your place in this world is and what your role is. I learned at an early age that basketball is something I'd love to do every single day. But like every single person, they're a great journalist, they're a great commentator, there are great doctors, everybody's great at something, just to find that and to work as hard as you can. I don't think it's as simple as that, but it's something that you can hold on to. Find what you're passionate about in this life and just work at it.
It's sore. My body is a little fatigued, but that's to be expected. I think I'm in pretty good shape right now for what I need to do tomorrow night. But I wasn't surprised. I knew, I guess all the work that I put in to just getting back on the court and what the athletic training staff here at the Warriors and the plan that we had to get back on the court strong and ready to play, I knew I was ready for that moment.

I didn't know how my wind was going to be. I didn't know how the game was going to unfold or whatnot, just got to be prepared for anything.

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